Monday, 30 September 2013

Flourishing Retailers Tip

Retail is the one business where change for the sake of change makes sense.  Change major displays up every four weeks wherever possible.

Where Faeries Live

Remember...  80% of your profits come from 20% of your customers and those customers visit more often than others.  By constantly rotating stock and changing up feature areas, you’re giving them something new to look at even when the merchandise isn’t necessarily all that new.

Consider scheduling changes, flips, and feature area displays on your calendar or with your team.  Explain to your team why you’re making these changes and what the purpose is.  If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the workload, consider hiring someone dedicated Visual Merchandising or bring on a freelancer or a professional.

Keep this in mind: frequent change will show you a difference in top line sales as well as profits!

Want more?  Click here to sign up and have the convenience of receiving the tip in your inbox as well as even more to learn about each tip! 

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Thursday, 12 September 2013

Tip of the Week + Bonus

Visual merchandising isn't just about selling more.  It’s about inspiring the customer, giving them ideas, making them feel good, and making their lives easier.

Cloud Nine Pajamas

Proper visual merchandising really is done for the customer and with the customer in mind and that’s the only way it can be truly effective. 

We create displays in order to show customers a whole look, show them trends, and to give them a feeling around the merchandise.  We’re making their time shopping so much easier by pulling everything together for them, so be sure to layer the look right up to give them options and make sure the merchandise is nearby and easy to pick up.

We’re inspiring customers to make their home an oasis, wardrobe beautiful, and gifts incredible.  Placing ad-on items nearby helps them to round out their purchase and pull together the perfect package.

Keep the customer in mind when you’re merchandising your store.  Remember how you’re helping them every time you set up a new display and you will be successful.  After all, they’re why you’re doing what you’re doing, right?

Bonus Tip:

It’s time to start formulating a plan to execute your holiday visual merchandising!  Don’t forget to book your helpers to make sure they’ll all be there.