I first found Fixtures Close Up on Pinterest and now I look forward to my daily fixtures emails, so I asked Tony Kadysewski if I could share some of my favorites with you! He generously agreed, so here they are in no particular order!
Also... These are just the favorites I found, there are so many more gems all over the Fixtures Close Up blog. You can find everything from big box retail solutions to high end boutique solutions, so set aside some time to go digging!
Image Courtesy of Fixtures Close Up |
This is a great DIY project for your store! Be sure to merchandise any unique configurations neatly to really maximize impact.
Photos Courtesy of Simplified Building Concepts and Fixtures Close Up |
What a great industrial look for menswear! If you're not handy, though, be sure to get help from someone who is.
Image courtesy of Goncalo Pinho and Fixtures Close Up |
What a fun fixture to put together yourself and it wouldn't even be overly expensive!
Image courtesy of Dezeen, Haberdash and Form Us With Love, as well as Fixtures Close Up |
What a fun display! This could be done anywhere in-store, just be sure it's a feature area! It could also be a fun backdrop in a simple window with a mannequin.
Image courtesy of Fixtures Close Up |
Okay, pegboard usually isn't the go-to material when we think of visual merchandising, but here it is looking good for menswear! This is pegboard done right.
Image courtesy of Fixtures Close Up |
Do you really want to make something feel special? Put it in a bell jar!
Image courtesy of Mark Steele Photography, Display and Design Ideas, and Fixtures Close Up |
Ahhhh... Doesn't it just make sense?
Image Courtesy of Fixtures Close Up |
I've loved this fixture from the first time I saw it and it makes a great DIY project for items sold in bulk!
Image courtesy of Shop Design Gallery, Streetology, and Fixtures Close Up |
Ahhhh... A good colour flow just makes my heart happy...
Image courtesy of Fixtures Close Up |
Add on selling at its best! They say visual merchandising is the silent sales person for a reason...
Have you got more favorites? Link to them in the comments section below and don't forget to follow the links (headings) to the actual articles from Fixtures Close Up. There, you'll find more info and additional photos!
Happy Selling!